Arianna Huffington, Star Jones and Susan Lucci |
Another unwanted (on my part, at least) extended absence. But today provides a much-needed break that allows for some time to blog. And while I don't have any deep thoughts to share, other people do.
I had the good fortune to attend the National Association of Professional Women's annual conference today, and a bevy of inspirational ladies were in attendance, among them Arianna Huffington (I got to shake her hand), Star Jones (she re-tweeted me!) and Susan Lucci (who I awkwardly asked for an autograph when I happened upon her in the ladies' room. She was very gracious).
The inspiration was flowing like good wine, and I came home feeling a little hungover, but in a good way, like when you were young and stayed out too late drinking way too much but the next day you couldn't feel too bad about it because you know you had an awesome time.
Here are a few of my favorite quotes, and I use the term "quotes" loosely because I was taking notes by hand and not on my best journalistic game.
Lesley Jane Seymour, EIC of More, on the changing media landscape:
It's a different world. When I started as an EIC, I came in, did the magazine and left. Now I have to do TV, can't just lock yourself in a room anymore and say "I'm going to do this."
Arianna Huffington on the same:
It's no longer about talking, it's about listening. We used to consume news on the couch and now we consume it galloping on a horse.
Huffington on staying healthy:
When I wake up after a good night's sleep, I'm ready to take on the world. Isn't that a great way to live life?
Huffington on Lean In:
We also need to learn to lean back to reinvigorate. Because that's when you get your best ideas.
Huffington paraphrasing Rumi:
Life is rigged in your favor. Turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones.
Huffington on how women judge themselves:
If we can reduce the self-judgement we'd have so much energy freed up.
Monique L. Nelson, CEO of UniWorld Group, on what she would tell her 21-year-old self:
I'd forgive myself. Life happens. Either you can make it happen or it happens to you. I'd take things a little slower and not try to do so much so early. Eventually the environment took its course to slow me down.
Desiree Rogers, CEO of Johnson Publishing and the former White House social secretary, on the same:
Don't allow people to tell you who you are.
Star Jones on the same:
Place your health as a priority. I'm worth eating correctly, I'm worth exercising, I'm worth getting sleep.
Rogers on "having it all":
It's a creation of my all. If I'm happy, everyone around me is happy.
Sara Blakely, founder of Spanx, on the best advice she ever received:
Failure is life's way of telling you you're not on the right course.
Martha Stewart on taking a break:
You should never retire. You should never even use that word.
Stewart's random tip on my favorite snack:
Cook kale chips on parchment paper to make them crispy.
Stewart on hitting rock bottom:
I've never hit a bottom. It's just a bump in the road.
The exchange Star Jones re-tweeted me on!
Star Jones: Where does the toughness come from? Martha Stewart: Um, just dealing with crap.
Stewart on her one regret:
That I didn't have enough children. It's just a totally different way of looking at things.
Photo: me
I wonder: What's the most thought provoking thing you've heard lately?
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