Monday, February 25, 2013

But Isn't It Really All About the Benjamins, Baby?

They say that money doesn't buy you happiness, and while this may mean I'm shallower than I think, I may have to disagree.

First off, it's easy to say that when you have money. When you don't have it, or at least a steady flow of it, you realize how the absence of it takes away some of the things in life that make you happy. For example, I'm currently missing my weekly manicures and bi-weekly workouts with a trainer.  (I know, I know -- I sound like a Kardashian. I even kind of hate myself right now.) I know these are material things, but I'd be lying if I said they didn't add to my level of happiness, and only now do I realize how badly I took both for granted. (Now to be fair to myself, my money-to-happiness ratio is not all about me: I miss feeling okay with giving a generous tip to a waiter or waitress, and even dropping a dollar or two to a really talented subway musician.)

The other thing money provides that makes me happy is security. Before I lost my job, we were looking at buying an apartment. Now that money earmarked for a down payment has become our safety net, which helps me feel at ease, if not entirely happy. But much like happiness, I know that money won't last forever, and that in turn makes me worry, which doesn't make me happy. You following?

It's okay -- I'm not sure I do either. I just know that I'm more worried than happy right now. But that doesn't mean I haven't been happy ever in the past month. (Thank you gratitude journal!)

Now some people would tell me the best things in life are free, and I believe this is true, too. I didn't have to pay for my husband, family and friends, which ties into the follow-up rebuttal that money can't buy you love. Though I'm not sure I agree with that one either. And I'm pretty sure a Kardashian would agree with me.

Photo: Wikipedia

I wonder: Do you think it's shallow to associate money with happiness?

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